Keeping your pet on the path to wellness

The Bichon Frise

The Bichon Frisé is a happy and adaptable little companion dog that can also be kept in a city apartment. He is playful, socially acceptable, likes to go for a walk, but does not require a complex employment and workload program.


Origin and history

The Bichon Frisé is an old miniature dog breed that was bred in the Canary Islands (Tenerife puppy) as early as the 15th century and from there was brought to mainland Europe. The small, white lap dog was particularly popular at the Spanish court and the French and Italian aristocracy. The first breed standard and the name Bichon Frisé (curly lap dog) was not established until 1933.



The Bichon Frisé is a small white dog with long, curly hair. The ears are drooping and also covered with long, curly hair. The tail is carried high over the back. The fur is pure white, the eyes and nose are dark.


Character and nature

The Bichon Frisé is a happy and playful dog with a very lively, charming nature. He is watchful but not an exaggerated barker. He is friendly, open-minded and free of aggressions towards strangers and other dogs. He is affectionate, but also has a strong personality and a lot of self-confidence. The bright bichon is very docile, enjoys learning little tricks and is easy to train.


Despite its small size, the Bichon Frisé is an extremely robust and durable dog. He is a persistent stroller, but does not require long hikes to feel full and comfortable. He also does not have to be employed around the clock, but adapts easily to all life situations. This also makes it a very uncomplicated and adaptable companion dog. It also feels comfortable in a smaller space and can therefore be kept in a city apartment.


The Bichon Frisé does not shed and is - like the poodle - very allergy-friendly. However, the fur should be brushed regularly - approximately every two days - so that it does not become matted. It can also be cut into shape for home use, making maintenance easier.

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